

My thoughts on unique builds

They barely exist. Every build I come across is, "you need Kena", "you need maelstrom weapons", "only this will do - everything else is inferior".
There are a couple of reasons for this - one of them I don't really want to go into, because I can't see it changing any time soon. That's right, I'm talking about how weapon/spell damage is calculated and lack of soft caps.

The other reason is because of completely niche sets. For example, Vicecanon really only suits Nightblades because they can proc this at will. For anyone else it's a one-trick pony they can only use from stealth as an initial hit. Considering that can just be purged it's pretty useless.
Winterborn is a cool idea, but requires frost damage, so you're limited to a frost destruction staff because frost damage just doesn't exist any where else, though I wish it did.
That's just a few examples, but hopefully you see where I'm coming from. Because they are so niche, people will just use anything that increases their damage generically so they aren't tied to a certain playstyle.

What if the ESO combat system was more dynamic? I'm talking about a special passive you can toggle on and off, without requiring to respec. This toggle could do things like turn a Dragonknights main source of damage from flame to frost and vice-versa.
You could now run the Winterborn set without the need of a Frost staff. Instead of Englufing Flames, you'd have Winter's Breath. Burning Embers would become Chilling Touch, etc. All of these attacks would have a chance to proc the set, meaning you'd see more build varieties.
Cryomancer's have been a hot topic (no pun intended) for a long time. We could finally have one.

Some sets should be dynamic on their own to make them more useful. Let's look at Maw of the Infernal.
Currently it's one piece is Max health. Perhaps if you're a tank (you have more maximum health than magicka), that could stay, but if you're playing a magicka build, then the first piece would become max magicka.
The second piece has a chance to summon a Daedroth that deals physical damage - not very useful on magicka builds. Once again, if you're a magicka spec, it could deal "daedric damage", which is essentially magic damage. I could see more Sorcerer pet builds running this then, but they just don't because the set is useless to them.
Not every set should be dynamic - just ones like Maw that really have no place in any build.

What do you think?

My thoughts on unique builds My thoughts on unique builds Reviewed by Unknown on 03:20 Rating: 5

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